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59825 items

Far East Qalamkari Size 170x86cm
price:  Por
China carpet size 130x65cm
price:  Por
Indigo Blue Pichwai of Krishna and the cows From Gujarat India.Made from Silver Tinsel on Indigo Blue Malmal Cloth.C.1900.Its size is 160cmX162cm(DSC09512
price:  Sold Out Thank You
a super duper funky Kurdish rug with excellent pile and a wild design execution. All original. Ask for more info. Please visit ... read more
price:  por
An early Tekke wedding? rug with great color and a fine weave. Beautiful spacing in the field design and a bevy of ... read more
price:  por
Moroccan Reed and leather Rug En of 19th Century / Size:124X110cm / 4"x3'7"
price:  on request
Vintage Kantha embroidery with cotton thread Kantha Probably From Faridpur District of East Bengal(Bangladesh) Region India.C.1900.Its size is 98cm x 102cm.(DSL02430).
price:  Sold Thank you
Tekke main carpet.Circa 1800. 239 x 183 cm.
price:  SOLD Thanks.
Kazak prayer rug with bold drawing and color. later 19th century, 4'4"×5'6" Inv#19699. Recently acquired, reasonably priced. Good condition with three small ... read more
price:  SOLD
Beautiful Antique Central Asian Uzbek Kilim. excellent colours. Good condition. The size is: 58cm x 120cm.
price:  P.O.R
Extremely fine hand-embroidered textile by the Mhong, an ethnic minority in Laos. a traditional handcraft that has been passed down through generations. size: ... read more
price:  on request
Anatolian Kurdish Rug-19th Century Size:120X418cm / 14"x4"
price:  on request
Central Asian Uzbek Suzani 141 x 236 cm / 4'7'' x 7'8''
price:  On Request
An antique Kasak with 150/77 cm. Good shape with smallest demages.
price:  Sold
Bergama chuval 64 x 108 cm W Anatolia, Kilaz tribe Mint condition. See Pinkwart/Steiner ”Bergama Cuvallari” Plate 31b. More info if you ask.
price:  SOLD, Thank you
415 Antique Kalianda Tampan Shipcloth - Sumatra Excellent work of woven art from the early-mid 1800s More information on
price:  On Request
The colors of this sophisticated Pre-Columbian braided textile from Northern Chile are remarkable. Textiles of this type are exceedingly rare outside of ... read more
price:  SOLD _ THANK YOU
Well Worn Balouch 3'6" x 6'6"
price:  $250 obo SOLD
Tekke, late 19th century, 80 x 113 Cm. Tekke guls, secondary Tschemtsche ornament.
price:  € 250,00 plus shipping
An antique Sumakh Panel in very good shape. 100/60 cm.
price:  sold, thank you!
Antique Caucasian Kazak Rug, 5'2" x 8'2" - 158x251 cm, ca 1875. no 4086
Antique Karapinar Kilim, Central Anatolia. 5'2" x 8'2" - 157x250 cm
Hamadan, 20th Century, Wool, Mint, Very Lightly Used Condition, 60" x 43" sold
price:  SOLD
Ivory kashan, Early 20th Century, Excellent weave and condition, Measures 53" x 82". sold
price:  SOLD
Sumac Bag 19th Century size:40X19 / 16x8 inc...
price:  on Request
Central Anatolian Fragment(Derbent) Rug-19th Century Size:5'9"X4'5" / 175x129 cm
price:  on Request
Mafresh Panel, Moghan, Shahsavan Soumak, Early 20th Century, Excellent condition, 18 1/2" x 40" Please feel free to ask any and all questions... Price ... read more
price:  SOLD
Lovely antique Tibetan square older than most with natural dyes ca 1880 or before Size 67 x 67 cm
price:  sold thanks
Caucasian runner carpet size 310x118cm
price:  Por
Yomut chuval, Mid 19th c. size= 3'6"x2'7" Inv#19097
price:  $4000
Syrian Arab silk Hatti head scarf (from Homs?). 33 x 32.5 inches
price:  please inquire
19th c. Palestinian embroidery. Silk on hemp. Tyrian Mediterranean sea snail purple dye. 14 x 14.5 inches.
price:  SOLD. Thank you
kazak size 200x150
price:  P o r
Early 20th century Caucasian. Floppy handle. Excellent condition. 190 by 120 cm.
price:  sold, many thanks
Afshar Star Chanteh Bagface, 28 x 24 cm. early 20 th. century Price in usd:
price:  SOLD
Anatolian kilim size 350x82cm
price:  Por