East Anatolia kilim strip. Cm 86x376 ca. First half 19th century. Wonderful colors, great pattern. Tears, holes, old moth problem, but still in good condition and definitely a fantastic piece, …..a museum  ...
East Anatolia kilim strip. Cm 86x376 ca. First half 19th century. Wonderful colors, great pattern. Tears, holes, old moth problem, but still in good condition and definitely a fantastic piece, …..a museum piece! See more pics on my fb page: See also what Deniz Coskun says about this iilim: This is a Reyhanlı (Subtribe of Bayat ) Turkmen piece.... According to what i found from memories of an english officer in 1850's and Michael Bischof 's sayings and foundings, Reyhanlı Turkmens have made one of Turkey's first cottage/nomad industrial alliances with Ottoman government. In 1609 Mursal Beg, the chief of Mursal governing group of Reyhanlı subtrube of Bayat, made a poplitical alliance with the Ottoman state and decided to be settled by his own willing. Moreover he became a local officer to arrange settling issues, of local Turkmen and Kurdish tribes for the govenment. Since then they had developed their financial relations and beginned to weave kilims wth very very good quality for the Ottoman purchase orders... Tihs business is being held in cottagesd as well as nomadic tents, which were visited by Ottoman officers and settled local traders for several reasons... This piece is most probably a fruit of this historical economic environment.
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