
Göteborgs Auktionsverk AB is a private Swedish company which holds up to 50 public auctions every year. Goods handed in to Göteborgs Auktionsverk AB are sold on commision in our own name on account of our different clients. Göteborgs Auktionsverk AB have in present three different kinds of auctions: Göteborg Auctions, Special Auctions and Net Auctions .

Opening Hours
You are welcome to visit us at Tredje Långgatan 9, Gothenburg Our opening/telephone hours are Monday - Friday 11.00 am to 18.00 pm. Saturdays 10.00 am - 14.00 pm. Our showroom are open at the relevant auction weekends: Monday- Friday 11.00 am-18.00 pm. Saturday 10.00 am-12.00 pm.

Göteborgs Auktionsverk on the Internet!
Göteborgs Auktionsverk offer:

- Interactive bidding on our auctions. If you want to place bids, please goto Current Auctions. So far we have recieved 264802 bids.

- Direct buying of our after sales items. If you want to buy items from us straigth away, please goto After Sales. We currently hold 448 items in stock - instantly available for you.

- Convenient selling of items. If you want to hand in goods, please goto Handin Form. Since we started counting in mid 1994, we have been trusted with 166724 items that we have offered for sale on 338 auctions.

If you want to do business with us and join the community ofabout 30000 registered customers: traders, collectors and private persons that buy and sell jewellry, watches, gemstones and silverware through Göteborgs Auktionsverk - please register at our Customer Registration service.

Whoever you are and where ever you are, our ambition is to serve you in the same manner as always: perfectly. If we fail to match your expectations regarding our services and products, please let us know - so that we get an opportunity to correct ourselves.