
  • 1. sw Persian small double bag, 60 x 32 cm. - blues, greens, aubergine, salmon, yellow etc. etc. Very good condition 2. ... read more

  • Antique sw Persian (Luri?) khorjin, 55 x 110 cm. or 209 x 55 cm. fully open... Interesting and unusual all over design. Super ... read more
    price:  $ 150

  • Rare and beautiful antique sw Persian Qashqai inspired Khalaj salt bag. w40 x h47 cm. Superb colors and graphics. For some thoughts ... read more

  • sw Persian small double bag, 60 x 32 cm. - blues, greens, aubergine, salmon, yellow etc. etc. Very good condition. Offers accepted. ... read more

  • Antique Luri bag, late 19th Century. 110 x 64 cm. incl kelim back. Published: "Seltene und antike Teppiche, Kelims, Flachgewebe und Textilien" Rippon Boswell ... read more
    price:  SOLD thx!

  • Eberhart Herrmann's Magnum Opus publication for sale! Asiatische Teppich- und Textilkunst Band 5 Large format - 45 x 32 x 7 cm. ... read more
    price:  SOLD

  • Jack Cassin's exclusive two-volume boxed book set on kilims "IMAGE, idol, symbol, ancient anatolian kilims, 1989" As new, rare. A copy of this book sold ... read more
    price:  SOLD

  • Some rug books, 33 in total - all in very good condition. Priced to sell!!! Any questions please contact me at hieffspeakers@gmail.com
    price:  SOLD thx!