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59962 items

Beautiful Qashqai Bagface with all natrul dyes,Ready for the display.
price:  US$ 100.' > link <
price:  Euros 1850.
moroccan berber high atlas carpet. a rare and beautiful piece from the first half of the 20th century. It is in ... read more
price:  Euros 1950.
Rug no: 657, Persian Taleghan, circa 1920, single wefted symmetrical knots, rare piece, size: 198x128 cm
price:  SOLD
37" x 19" Glossy wool and beautiful design, format and size. Old side repairs, some foundation showing, scattered moth nicks. ... read more
price:  SOLD. Thank You.
Beautiful 1850s indian pieced shawl in good condition, nice colours and fine embrdoiery, the shawl has been backed with black cotton.
price:  sold
Antique Kepse gul Yomut torba with corroded deep magenta. Complete with beige flatwoven back. 96 x 36 cm.
price:  P.O.R
Longhouse Chief’s Door, Bidayuh Dayak, West Borneo, Ironwood, 19th/early 20th Century, From a Japanese Collection,
price:  POR
Super cool Baluch rug! 100% complete with some low areas throughout. 3'7" x 5'7"' > link
price:  SOLD
Baluch Bagface, Circa 1900, Very good condition and pile, All natural colours, Size: 76 x 66 cm.
price:  On request
Very Soft Tekke Ensi, good colors, classic drawing with exceptionally good wool.
price:  SOLD
ottoman textile 40 x 26 cm
Antique Kasak Lori circa 1900 excellent condition very good colors size: 2,43 x 1,58 cm
price:  Sold Thanks
Smyrna small format carpet, probably 18th century, obvious damage, mounted on brown textile. Big knots, depressed warp, subtle color with two yellows ... read more
price:  SOLD, thanks
Antique Kelim / possibly Mudjur / circa 1800 This kelim has unbelievably saturated colors, and is in very good condition. There are a ... read more
anatolİa camel kİlİm sİze=200*80cm shİpİng=50$
price:  250$
Ottoman Photograph; a large cabinet card from the studio of the famous photographer Pascal Sebah depicting an Ottoman gentleman taking his ... read more
Ersari 317x259 cm c0474
price:  SOLD
Chondoresk/Cloudband rug from the 3rd or 4th quarter of the 19th century. Good colors with a prominent and refined border. (i.e. Dimesions 4'0" x
price:  SOLD
Colorful Shirvan from the 4th quarter of the 19th century. Minor restoration and excellent materials. (i.e. Dimensions 3' x 4')
price:  SOLD
$250. or best offer- all good dyes
price:  sold
Sweet Kyrgyz Lali Posh.
price:  POR
Pidan Temple Hanging, Khmer People, Cambodia, Silk; weft ikat, 19th/early 20th Century, 62 x 32 in/157.5 x 81 cm,
price:  SOLD
Border Panel of Wedding Bed Sheet, Skyros Island, Greece, Linen, silk; embroidery, 17th/early 18th Century, 82x16 in/208x40.5 cm An heirloom textile that features repeats of ... read more
price:  SOLD
Caucasian Bordchalou Kazak Rug, 7.10 x 5.4 ft (242x165 cm), ca 1900
price:  SOLD
C.Anatolian kilim, 8'7' x 9" 2.74m x 2.44m, 3rd qtr.19th c. or earlier. Recently purchased from a family who has ... read more
price:  Sold
Caucasian Kazak Rug, 7x3.9 ft (213x119 cm), 19th Century
price:  SOLD
Kashmiri Shawl, 1st Half 19th century, North India. 6'7" x 6'7". Some corrosion of the blacks. Please contact us for price, full ... read more
price:  SOLD
Ritual Cloth, Dida People, Ivory Coast, Raffia fiber; tie-dye
price:  POR
a beautyful blue chinese dragonrug with 2 dragons fighting over a pearl. It's a big rug: 300cm x 430cm Hand knotted. It has some stains ... read more
price:  to be agreed
Antique Qashqai wonderful colors and restored condition circa 1890 and size: 2,65 x 1,30 cm
price:  Sold Thanks
Antique Shiraz Hamse wondeful colours circa 1900 size: 1,99 x 1,46 cm
price:  Sold Thanks
Rare and unusual Ersari Jollar (showing a spotted dragon in the bottom left and right) with exquisite colors including a true green; ... read more
price:  ON REQUEST
azere horse cover. very big 135/190cm antiqe. the 2 haeds need to be concet.please sea in the photos.yaron
price:  sold
Ritual Cloth, Nusa Penida island, Indonesia, Cotton, silk 19th/early 20th Century 81x56 in/206x142 cm
price:  POR