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59864 items

persian yazed circa 1870 vibrent colours with unique design size:6 * 4 mt real collectors hand woven art. jalal carpets 19 Tanglin road Tanglin Shopping ... read more
price:  P.O.R
Caucasian Chi Chi Prayer Rug, 1.17 x 1.54 m (3'10" x 5'1"), Good condition and splendid colours. ca 1870. link
price:  on request
Antique Rescht Persian silk embroidery on felt background, late of the 19th century, 165cm x 168cm, very good condition, collection piece.
price:  please POR
Khadi Print Mehrab Kalamkari As well as Block Print.From Madhiya Pradesh.India.known As Saudagiri Print.Made From Vegetable colours.Perfect Condition.its Size is 228cm x
price:  Sold
Quilt from Dahomey (now Benin), West Africa commemorating local rulers ( known as Ahosu) from the Abomey Kingdom of circa 1600 through ... read more
price:  $5500
Khordjin Shahsawan, 98 x 37.
price:  on Request
Rug with Mughal floral pattern Kashgar oasis Eastern Turkestan 18th century 208 x 118 cm (6’11” x 3’10”) Alg 2033
price:  SOLD
Rug with leopard pelt pattern Tibet circa 1880 120 x 65 cm (3’11” x 2’2”) l 96
price:  SOLD
Carpet with lotus flowers NingxiaAlg Northwest China Qing Dynasty, Kangxi period (1662-1722) 257 x 180 cm (8’5” x 5’11”) Alg 770
price:  POR
a Length of "Jazzy" Boro Meisen Silk, Japan, Taisho (circa 1920), cm 147x36. Meisen silk is a development of late nineteenth century ... read more
price:  SOLD
Afshar Rug ( Sirjan, according to Richard Purdon's article in Hali 161), 19th century,150x185cm ,great colors and wool, meaty handle.
price:  sold
Small Yomut 7-sided Asmalyk. Good condition, All natural colors but with a faded yellow that seems stronger on the back. (25" x16")
price:  SOLD
Ersari saddlebags, 1st Qtr. 20th c., 1'10" x 3'10"
price:  SOLD
Carpet with gol farangh design Afshar tribe, Sirjan area Southeast Persia circa 1870 252 x 147 cm (8’3” x 4’10”) Alg 2117
price:  POR
Open field carpet Peking Northern China circa 1900 405 x 388 cm (13’3” x 12’9”) Alg 1225
price:  POR
Rug with leafs and blossom palmettes Ningxia Northwest China Qing Dynasty, Kangxi period (1662-1722) 180 x 135 cm (5’11” x 4’5”) Alg 276
price:  POR
Shahsavan Sumak Bag,19th century,43x43cm.
price:  sold
Singular Baluch prayer rug, with 159 snowflake stars in a staggered repeat on the camel field. 34 x 54 inches. Each star ... read more
price:  SOLD, thank you!
sold Charming small Baluch prayer rug; 19th cent.; 4ft x 2ft7ins. Nice wool , good condition, "truly tribal"
White ground rug with tribal emblems Cappadocia East central Anatolia 18th century 111 x 90 cm (3’8” x 3’) l 126
price:  SOLD
Kasim Ushag rug Karabagh area Southern Caucasus circa 1850 204 x 110 cm (6’8” x 3’7”) Alg 1050
price:  SOLD
Red ground Karachop Kazak rug Southwest Caucasus circa 1880 260 x 183 cm (8’6” x 6’) Alg 1793
price:  POR
a very interesting and unusual Kurdish Rug Fragment from nw Persia, possibly early 19th century, 74 x 121 cm. Almost a quarter ... read more
price:  p.o.r.
Caucasian Karabagh Runner, 10.8 x 3.5 ft (330x107 cm), sec half 19th century, good condition and great design. link
price:  por
pakistan textile freg. 203 x 163 x 160 cm
price:  SOLD
a Splendid East Anatolian Kurdish Rug (Sivas), 62x43 inches (157 x 109 cm), Ravishing Colours, Very good condition and Full Pile, ... read more
price:  SOLD
Magnificent Baluch rug...Beautiful and happy colors...5'9 by 2'10 ft...Skirts are almost perfect...The rug is in good condition in general...Some oxidation and wear,thats ... read more
price:  poa
Khamseh Bagface,great qualities,partialy silk wefted,silk highlights,44x73cm.
price:  sold
Gabbeh Lori, 56 x 36
price:  on Request
Baluch rug...5'3 by 3 ft...Pretty colors,attractive design...
Rug with double keyhole design Northeast Caucasus Kuba area circa 1850 151 x 108 cm (5’ x 3’7) Alg 1048
price:  SOLD
Zili cover Azeri Northeast Caucasus, Baku area circa 1870
price:  SOLD
Bijov rug Northeast Caucasus circa 1850 178 x 110 cm (5’10” x 3’7”) Alg 1964 symmetrically knotted wool pile on a wool foundation
price:  SOLD
s/n: n0099 Ninghsia antique rug 0.70 x 0.64 m (28in.X 25in.)
East Anatolian Runner (Kagizman), 10.6 x 3.7 ft (320x113 cm), sec half 19th Century, good condition, lustrous wool and great colours. link
price:  SOLD
Ghashghai Chanteh, 35 x 31 cm.
price:  on Request