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59838 items

a beautiful Qhashqhai band natural color wool and wool size: 412 x 10 price:POR sold
Fine Ersari rug Excellent condition Circa 1910-20 61"x 41" Natural dyes Very possibly a 'Dowry ... read more
price:  SOLD
Exceptional & very charming Baluch bag with silk highlights, 19th century, its size is 70 x 30 cm. i personally very like ... read more
price:  Sold, Thanks
antique anatolian isparta or siwas carpet cm 4.65 x 3.60 1910 circa
Embroidery Odhani(Cotton Malmal) From Tharpar Region of Pakistan.Its size is 128cmX208cm(DSC01974New).
price:  Sold Out Thank You
Old Lampa Karabagh long rug 3m x 1.2m with primitive charm. Delightful menagerie of deer, falcons, camels, horses and people. Losses to ... read more
price:  POA
Late 19th century,central Anatolian kilim.1.46x84cm.All good dyes.Dırty.
price:  P.Ask.
antique anatolian ushak carpet cm 4.65 x 2.62 1900 circa
Ottoman Embroidery Prayer rug - silk and metal thread on felt - usually attributed to Bursa - 3'3 x 5'1 - 99 ... read more
price:  Sold, Thanks
Anatolian Yastik. 19"x26". 48x66 Cm.
price:  SOLD
Fine, heavy-weight Youmut chuval with repairable damage. No repairs or interventions yet. As found, needs a wash to bring out its quality. Part ... read more
price:  SOLD
Caucasian Long Rug in original condition. Size: 4'x8'. 122x245 cm
price:  SOLD
antique little afshar rug. Genuine. Ineffable. This is the afshar you have been looking for. Untouched and original. All natural colors. 19th ... read more
price:  Sold
Khirghiz wool hanging. 98 x 140 cm. xix century. With original indigo die lining.
Ersari Turkmen embroidered khalta. 13 x 17 cm
price:  200 Euros
Ersari Turkmen boy " ilgirak " 36 x 68 cm. Good condition.
Lot 76, Doroksh with inscriptions, start price: € 1.500, Auction 30th April 3pm,' > link
Lot 44, Tekke Ensi, start price: € 800, Auction 30th April 3pm,' > link
Lot 17, Shahsavan Soumak bag face, start price: € 360, Auction 30th April 3pm, ' > link
Lot 28, Shahsavan Soumak Bag, start price: € 800, Auction April 30th 3pm, ' > link
Lot 3, Two Gashgai kilim bags, start price: € 600, Auction April 30th 3pm, ' > link
a red applique and quilted pillow or cushion cover made of hand-made cloth and backing of hand made cloth and hand stitched. ... read more
price:  SOLD
Shahsavan kilim mafrash panel, conserved, 17.5 v x 19.5 h inches.
price:  POR
Senneh bag, the best example of senneh, the finest quality in senneh. it's size is 78 x 65 cm
price:  Sold
White ground Shirvan prayer rug, as found condition with home made repair on the lower end. .Stunning field composition. 148 x 81
Saruk Persian Rug - nice colours, some loss on the fringes, and wear in central medallion. 203cm x 127cm. 380 pounds sterling.
price:  £380 GBP
antique anatolian ushak 3.60 x 2.80 circa 1900, good condition
Anatolian kurdish late 19th.century.Camel hair field.
price:  P. Ask.
jaf bagface natural colors 19th Century Clean and hand washed size 0.50cm x 0.54cm
price:  POR
Ukrain Bag? 19th century, beautiful pattern and quite interesting, very good condition. 90 x 70 cm
price:  POR
Square Baluch bag 1890 to 1900, it's size is 57 x 56 cm
price:  Sold, Thanks
a Toraja Sulawesi ceremonial cloth, joined cotton lengths in warp ikat technique. Indonesia, mid 20th Century. Note the human figures interspersed between ... read more
price:  SOLD
antique caucasian seichour cuba rug cm 4.00 x 1.40
antique anatolian ushak carpet cm 3.82 x 3.40 .100 years old circa good condition full pile more info ... read more
Nice Jaf with nice design and colors,good design and condition.All origina without any repair.Size 3'6"*2'5".E.mail for more info and pics.
price:  US$ 200.
Kurdish Chanteh with all good and colors and nice design.Size 1'2"*1ft.E.mail for more info and pics.
price:  US$ 100.