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59873 items

Lot 10, shahsavan sumakh panel 95 x 42 cm (3ft. 1in. x 1ft. 5in.) Persia, mid-19th century Published: "Mafrash", Siawosch Azadi 1985, ... read more
Afshar Size: 77x47cm Natural colors, made in circa 1910, there is a stitch at the middle (see picture 5).
price:  SOLD
The scale of the design elements in this early Anatolian kilim are impressive. This, along with other factors indicate a date well ... read more
price:  SOLD
About 22" x 23" with scattered moth nibbles, otherwise meaty pile and floppy handle.
Belt from the Aymara people of Bolivia. 19th century, wool. 50" long by 2.75" wide. In great shape.
price:  SOLD
Ceremonial cinta (hair ribbon). Totonicapán, Guatemala. Cotton and silk, woven by hand on a backstrap loom. 111" by 1.25"
price:  SOLD
Qashqai Size 240x190 cm
price:  Por
as found Dimutive and Charming Antique Afshar chanteh Size please see the picture in Inches :)
price:  Sold
#1b557 Hand made antique collectible Native American navajo blanket 4.7' x 7.7' ( 143cm x 234cm)
taskent suzani 242 x 210 good condition
price:  P.O.R
Heris Sampeler or vaghire in fine condition
price:  Please ask
2nd half 19th Century Caucasian Fahrola Rug Size:266 x 159 Cm 8'9"x5'3"
price:  on request
1850's very fine Yuncu cuval 71x100cm
price:  fair
1870's Causcas kilim bag 46x47
price:  fair
Baluch and Afshar Bagfaces Size: 36x36cm, 43x37cm and 42x46cm
price:  SOLD
Baluch flat woven khorjin with camel train decoration. 48-1/2" x 19". First 1/3 20th c. Wool. Weft substitution weave in face. Plainwoven ... read more
price:  POR
Antique beautiful small Afshar 19 th. century 125 x 132 cm All ... read more
price:  POR
Older Ersari Turkmen chuval
As found Beautiful Rare Patern Whiteground Anatolian Kilim 19th century size 326 x 90 cm.
Antieque Baluch rug, 117x150 cm Some condition issues
2 little antique bachtiari chanteh. 21 x 20 cm. and 21 x 17 cm.
price:  P.O.R.
a exquisite and rare Grenfell Labrador Industries hooked rug of silk stocking or lingerie early 20th Century.
price:  Sold
Palestinian veil with old coins and embroidery
price:  SOLD
Unusual Teke tchoval (one of one pair). More pictures if needed.
price:  Por
#1b318 Hand made antique collectible Persian Khamseh bag face 1.9' x 1.11' ( 58cm x 67cm ) c.1880
Shamkir/Tovuz rug with a free soul! wonderful opened, floating atmosphere….. Real, non-commercial village work of art with individual way of using the ... read more
price:  SOLD
Central Anatolian Prayer Rug, 100x130 cm
Anatolian Prayer Rug, 100x112 cm
Qashqai small rug, 155 x 115 cm., 5'1" x 3'9". Very good, complete condition and good pile. a bit lower pile ... read more
price:  Sold ty
Shahsavan mafrash side with rare design
Beautiful Shahsevan pile Rug, Circa 19th Century from nw Persia, Some times so called Sarab or Bakhshayish but this is a nomadic ... read more
price:  SOLD. THANKs.
Headband, Bolivia. 16" by 3". Wool, beads. Mid 20th century. Condors, fish and various four-legged beasts are woven into this headband, which ... read more
price:  SOLD
19th century Full pile! All natural colors Turkoman Ersari, Problay Kizilayak tribe.. Nice big size 177 x 45 centimeters Soft Lustrous Wool ... read more
price:  Sold.Thank you.