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59790 items

Antique Japanese Keyaki Front Tansu Unusual Japanese single section isho tansu (clothing chest), with dramatic Keyaki (elm) front drawers, opened by simplistic hirute ... read more
price:  1450.00
Andean Pre-Columbian tapestry woven textile with whimsical creatures. Strong colors and charming, primitive little figures - birds and other animals. ... read more
price:  Inquire
Large Ersari fragment with beautiful drawing and color. Unfortunately, it is not complete but Gorgeous nonetheless. Minor secondary issues but how about ... read more
price:  Sold
magic lama square lama magic square early tibet ..
price:  sold
It’s a Kizylaayak / Ersari group, longish torba. a little smoked but still has beautiful color. Additional photos on request.
price:  It’s alright.
Siwa Shawl,Egypt silk embroidery on voile silk 77 x 131 cm / 30 x 51 inches
price:  On Request
335 x 261 is the size of this carpet. TAPPETO orientale cinese pechino vecchia manifattura. Perfette condizioni e lavato è questo pezzo. Oriental carpet ... read more
price:  sold THANKS!
Auction on March 30th at 4pm, all on offer with no reserve! https:// link
price:  Starting price € 300
Auction on March 30th at 4pm, all on offer with no reserve! https:// link
price:  Starting price € 300
Auction on March 30th at 4pm, all on offer with no reserve! https:// link
price:  Start price € 300
Han Dynasty pottery head of a female court attendant. a lovely face with sensitive features, original red pigments on face, this ... read more
price:  SOLD
Square Tibetan meditation rug, late 19th. Century. Measuring 3-00 x 3-1 ft
price:  SOLD, thanks
Kordi flatwoven khorjin. 18”x36”. Early 20th c. Complete and in excellent condition. Wool. Knotted weft wrapping. Beautiful natural dyes. Edges reovercast. ... read more
price:  POR
Massive Antique Chinese Architectural Wood Carving of Dragons An incredibly large and heavy hand carved wood architectural piece, with high relief carved pair ... read more
price:  POR
Rare Japanese Two Section Mikuni Choba Tansu
price:  POR
Rare Japanese Two Section Mikuni Choba Tansu
price:  POR
Sinanli Malatya kilim strip. Cm 90x415. The Sinanli were a subtribe of the bigger and better known Reshwani group. They were great ... read more
price:  please inquire
"Snowflake"Timuri Baluch, 212 x 114 cm, late 19th. c.
18th Century Sino-Tibetan Gilt Bronze Seated Bodhisattva A Sino-Tibetan gilt bronze statue of Maitreya, regarded by this world as a future Buddha in ... read more
price:  Sold
Hand made antique Persian Dabir Kashan rug 2,1' x 3,4' ( 64cm x 103cm ) 1890 - 1b484
price:  $2700
Uzbek Ikat Chapan
price:  On Request
Caucasian rug fragment. Great silky wool. Size 16" x 31.5" - 40 cm x 80 cm.
price:  O.R.
Shahsavan wool comb cover size in the pictures
price:  Por
Khorjin bag. Cm 40x40, open 40x80. Early 20th c. Really weird and unusual bag. Might be Kurdish or Baluchi, or?! Not expensive. ... read more
price:  please inquire
Auction on March 30th at 4pm, all on offer with no reserve! https:// link
price:  Starting bid € 300
Auction on March 30th at 4pm, all on offer with no reserve! https:// link
price:  Starting bid € 300
Auction on March 30th at 4pm, all on offer with no reserve!, https:// link
price:  Starting bid € 300
Baluch prayer rug, 124 x 84 cm
Antique Shahsavan Kilim Panel two pieces Size.94x48cm 96x48 cm
price:  Por
E20thC Central Asian embroidery, probably Kyrgyz
price:  POA
L19thC Turkoman Kizyl Ayak torba
price:  POA
L19thC Turkoman
price:  $2500us
Large Kizil Ayak Chuval, 172 x 95 cm, very soft handling, 19th.C.
Turkoman Kizil Ayak, North Afghanistan. An unusual prayer rug with a naughty looking character, dated (1341) and with an inscription. Finely woven ... read more
price:  SOLD