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59835 items

Antique Karabagh carpet, 241 x 95 cm, ca. 1850
huge antique persian lillian oriental rug measuring 10' 8" x 14' 6" solid rug no holes area of wear clean can send ... read more
price:  ON HOLD
Afshar Bagface Size: 94x65cm Natural colors, made in period 1910
price:  SOLD
An antique Seychur, Kuba, Daghestan Sumak Kilim with 232/118 cm. Smallest demages. Original endings. No repairs. Natural dyes green, blue madder. Synthetic ... read more
price:  Sold
Rescheduled: Saturday, March 17, 2018 10 a.m. Refreshments 10:30 a.m. Lecture in Los Angeles: Program: "What the heck is a Khorjin? Woven ... read more
Narrow and Long 2' 7" x 17' 7" Finer Hamedan in Excellent Condition. 3 Day Returns/Quote includes shipping u.s.a.
price:  Sold . . . Thanks!
Dharaniya Wall Hanging Applique work and the Kathipa work on the Cotton, From Saurashtra Region of Gujarat, India.Its size is 110cmx170cm. Circa ... read more
price:  Sold Out Thank You
Afshar. Antique. Natural dye. Wool on wool. 184 x 160 cm. 6.1 ft. x 5.3 ft.
#61275 a true rare and collectible piece. Acquired by a keen eye interested in the culture of the people of Iran 10"x9"
price:  upon request
Late 19th cent., full pile, near perfect Mehraban, 'Queen of the Hamadans'. Natural dyes. Professionally washed. ... read more
Lori rug. Lush, close to full pile all around. All original. 8'1" x 4'5". Visit our website for more woven delights: link
price:  por
An antique Kömürcü Kula rug with 343/143 cm. Good shape with original endings and some spots of wear. No tinting. Some good ... read more
price:  Sold
Persian embroidered box,made of a shalwar panel Cm.10x18x26
Ottoman silk chatma yastik pair,Cm.51x115,good condition,some stains and color run.
price:  Sold
Chinese Rug Size: 62x113cm made in period 1910/20
price:  SOLD
Aluminum Hairpin, Himachal Pradesh, Northern India. 6" (15.2 cm) high by 5.5" (14 cm) wide. Mid 20th century
price:  On request
#7597 Hereke This silk and metal Hereke measures 3’3” x 5’2” (100 x 158 cm). It has a blue field with a ... read more
Beautiful collectors early baluch small bagface fragment 20 x 36 centimeters
price:  SOLD! Thank you.
Antique Anatolian kilim Fragment, no: 114, size: 92*50cm, wool on wool.
sold!! This Tekke six gul torba is beautifully drawn and very old, easily c. 1850. It measures 42" x 15" and has ... read more
price:  see above
Antique Caucasian Talish long rug with all over star design. link 19th century. Size: 8ft 6in x 3ft 6in (260 x 107cm). A superb ... read more
price:  Please contact for further details.
a 19thCentury, Konbaung period, Burmese Kamawaca (Religious text) Box complete with Support Stand. Lacquered and Gold-gilt with coloured mirror-glass inlay . "Thayoe" ... read more
price:  P.O.A.
Persian rug antiqe mint condishen write Mubarak end have a date size:206x121-cm good price
price:  Ask
Mazlaghan Luri, app.3.5 x 7.5. $425. Michael at 803.653.1594
price:  425
Sarough Mir, app. 6.5 x 12.5. Michael - 803.653.1594
price:  575
#1b150 Hand made antique Persian Isfahan rug 4.3' x 6' ( 131cm x 183) 1900.c
price:  $3200
19th Century Soumakh Size: 72x60cm Natural colors
price:  SOLD
Antique large Caucasian kuba kelim. Older example with all natural colors in exceptional condition. Lovely light blues, greens and yellows. Extremely fine ... read more
price:  Sold
Seichour? just for show, i like to keep this one. i think mid nineteenth century. Anyone an opinion? 300 x 90 ... read more
Antique Bamana granary look door. 40cm x 7 cm.
price:  70$
Manchester Print, Roller Print(Cotton)Yardage From Manchester England,Made for Indian Market, India,Its size is 85cmX280cm (dsc01984 New).
price:  Sold Thank You
antique Shahsavan runner cm 2.65 x 1.04 1850 circa very god condition more information
price:  PLEASE ASK
Indian fragments, Mughal era but perhaps from a Decani Carpet, circa 1700 or earlier.
price:  SOLD