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59797 items

Very fine Bijar sumak mafrash panel, hard to find, 19c, with well-executed herati pattern in multiple natural colors.
price:  SOLD
Fine small format Tekke Turkmen Wedding rug in great condition, beautiful colors including a pale yellow and first row of Guls has ... read more
price:  Sold, Thanks
Antique Sarouk rug lavishly inscribed and dated 1335 ah or 1917 ad. 4' 1" x 6' 6". Pictorial Persian rugs often lack ... read more
price:  $3450
18.centry Transylvania size 160x110cm
price:  Por
Circa 1800s Unusual Early East Caucasian Fragment Size 88 x 132 Cm It Has Great Colors.
price:  Sold Thanks
Central Anatolian Rug Fragment 86 x 115 cm / 2'9'' x 3'9''
price:  On Request
One for the horse lovers from a horse loving tribe. Very charming antique Kurdish horse balnket in very good condition.104x165cm More Info:
price:  POR
Kashgar silk and metal thread (in fish bone technique). xviii century. An outastanding charming fragment with very elegant design and noble colors. ... read more
price:  P.O.R
yomud yomut small carpet- good skirt design- estate rug- size 5 x 6 feet
price:  sold
a nice antique 2'x3' s.w. Persian bag with dragon and phoenix design good condition.
price:  on request
Persian Tafresh, c. 1920. 5 x 6½ ft (150 x 195 cm), excellent condition.
price:  on request
chanteh - squarish size measuring 10" x 11" and having cool winged birds in each quadrant. Has what looks like ink ... read more
price:  $100/best offer + ship
Indian Trade textiles 011, Basta, Block-prints, For the Indonesian market, plays important role as a ceremonial cloth, early 19th century, good condition. ... read more
Antique Swedish cross stitch, no: 338, size: 93*59cm, wool on linen, dated and signed.
a mighty fine Afshar Bagface. Great quality, color, design, and weave. 20 by 29 inches.
price:  sold, Thank you
Circa 1800s Anatolian Sivas Kilim Fragment.The Color of the Combination is Perfect.Size 75 x 185 Cm
price:  Sold Thanks
19th Century Indonesian Textile Size: 80x178cm The embroidery is silk
price:  SOLD
Antique Caucasian rug? Size 99 x 180 cm. Good pile. One edge damaged. Used. Wonderful colors.
price:  sold - thank you
Mid xvii Medallion Ushak, cm 550x220. Lazy lines. As you can see very old repairs.
price:  No more avalaible
Super colorful Bashir Central Asian / Middle Amu Darya area carpet. older than most. Worn but more or less complete with an ... read more
price:  SOLD
Persian Bakhtiar, c. 1920. 5 x 7 ft (150 x 210 cm), good condition.
price:  on request
a 6'2"x8'2" Antique caucasian Kilim, nice colors, good overall condition with a couple small holes.
price:  on request
Shahsavan Reverse Soumak Bagface - 21" x 20" - 53 x 50 cm.
price:  Sold Thanks
Lovely Antique Persian Sarouk. size 11'5''x8'8''. condition superb. lovely green and gold colors.
price:  POR
Antique Swedish cross stitch sampler, no: 243, size: 30*35cm, wool on linen, dated 1888.
Antique traditional Ikat cotton, indonesia , no: 171, size: 165*45cm.
Timuri Bird Baluch Bag complete with kilim back - 24" x 24" - 61 x 61 cm and about 24" x 51" ... read more
price:  Sold, Thanks
Persian Possibly a fragment of a bag with great colours needing a bath 40 x 95 cm / 15 x 37 inches
price:  On Request
Uzbek Suzani
price:  On Request
caucasian shirwan perpedil 1880 circa cm 1.56 x 1.06
antique avsary Bagface front cm 0.85 x 0.47 1880 circa
19th Century West Anatolian Probably Dazkırı Area Yastık.It's in Perfect Condition Size 60 x 95 Cm
price:  On Request
Out of the trunk of a monastery comes this perfect Tibetan square mat, a high rank lama individual seat in extraordinary mint ... read more
price:  Sold, thank you
This rare tent band with silk highlights is a survivor from the height of Karakalpak material culture. While, generally, age is associated ... read more
price:  on request
c1930. Maple & Co, Chinese art deco, wool rug (with label). Good original condition, fringe loss, needs a spruce. Some ... read more
price:  SOLD