
Exceptional Ersari Beshir Chuval Fragment professionally mounted on linen - 1850 or earlier - extra pictures and details on request ... read more
price:  on request
Caucasian rug fragment 80x123cm
price:  por
Old Caucasian fragment ! Approximate size; 90x140 cm
price:  Ask
Rare striped East Anatolian rug fragment > 18th c. Good pile. Mounted. Please email:
Late 18th Century Central Anatolian Cappadocia Fragment Size 108 x 200 cm. Please send me directly mail.
17th Century Ningxia Rug Fragment as found condition size 138x218 cm https:// link
old Kurdish Fragment. Size: 125x230 cm.
price:  Ask
Yamud fragment okbahs size 60x50cm
price:  Por
a colorful fragment with bold graphics that i identify as the bridge (the connecting section between the two bags) of a large ... read more
price:  $200, shipping included
Extremely rare Persian Herat rug fragment. (Detail). Circa 1600. Mounted on linen. Super fine. Please email me:
price:  SOLD > Thanks!
Chodor Trapping Fragment 141x46cm partially incomplete all around, several small repairs
price:  450€
18th Century Anatolian Sivas Fragment Rug Size 130 x 144 cm. Please send me directly mail.
ca. 1700 Large Medallion Ushak carpet fragment (64X230cm) with very colorful, intricate and rare border!
Jaff Kürd fragment Rug.
price:  Por
Uşak fragment
price:  Por
18th c. Northwest Persian carpet fragment with Afshan design. Good pile. Mounted.
price:  SOLD > Thanks!
Early 17th c. Large Ushak carpet fragment. (Detail). 115 x 265cm. Mounted expertly on linen. Best color and drawing. Could be 16th ... read more
Early Arabatchi or Chordor carpet fragment. Alas....
price:  SOLD > Thanks!
An Unique And Rare Kani Jamawar Fragment From Kashmir, India. C.1810-1825. Its Size is 37cmx39cm. Butas size is 15cX40cm (20230925_154559).
price:  On Request
Early Cappadocia Fragment Size: 110x116 cm Please contact directly.
Interesting Piled Bag face fragment. The design is more commonly found on flatwoven pieces but this is pilled. Size 25 x ... read more
price:  $350 includes US shipping
Large Ordutsch - Konagkend fragment / Kuba region, 183 x 109 cm
Shirvan Rug fragment, 126x152cm
price:  100 Euro+shp
Antique Anatolian Aksaray Rug Fragment
Large 17th c. Persian Safavid palmette carpet fragment. Assembled together pieces. (7 x 8ft rectangle with borders all around). Speaks for itself.
Antique Persian rare embroidery fragment beautiful writing mentioned in photos. For more information kindly contact us
price:  Please inquire
Size ; 120x160 cm, West anatolia , Fethiye . Old fragment .
price:  Ask
Size ; 125 x 178 cm Old qasqai fragment .
price:  Ask
a Mughal cut and voided velvet textile panel fragment (detail). 17th c.
East anatolia, Old fragment .
price:  200$
Antique Anatoilan Cappadocia Fragment Carpet size: 125x103 cm.
price:  Ask Please
a glowing & early enough Ersari main frag with exceptional colours. No less than ca. 190 x 110 cm. More info & ... read more
price:  please ask
Size ; 100x157 cm Central anatolia, Cappadocia. Old fragment !
price:  Ask
Yomud Fragment ( Rare ) Size : 46 x 50 cm Please reach me directly on this email :
price:  Ask Please
Super velvety, saturated Turkmen rug fragment with two gul variants; temurchin guls and tauk-nuskka. This is an old one, most probably middle ... read more
price:  SOLD
Real Old Anatolian Kırşehir Mucur Carpet Fragment size: 135x70 cm.
price:  Ask Please
Antıque Anatolian Ushak Fragment Very Nice Carpet size: 115x110 cm.
price:  Ask Please
Early 19th century Turkmen Ersari Beshir fragment size120×60cm
antique brussels tapestry fragment 7'4" x 1'1"
price:  POA
Antique Suzani fragment. Circa 19th Century. Professionally mounted on cotton fabric. Size: 9.8" x 50.6" 25 cm x 129 cm.
price:  P.O.R.
Late 16th Century Oushak Fragment size 59x110 cm
price:  On Request
Central Asia Lakai silk embroidery saddle cover fragment.. size : 45" x 12 " - 115 cm x 30 cm without silk ... read more
price:  O.R
Small antique Makri Anatolian rug fragment prayer rug Good condition except missing end
price:  500
This white-ground Shirwan fragment (2.80x1.05 cm) is sewn onto linen. It may have been made around 1800 or earlier. Price: € 3800.-
From Sonny Berntssons collection: No 31 Erzerum prayer rug fragment East Anatolia. 97 x 169 cm, circa 1875. Two holes and some wear in centre ... read more
price:  SOLD, Thank you!
From Sonny Berntssons collection: No 75 Gelveri (Güzelyurt) yastik fragment circa 1915. 58 x 108 cm. One corner is damaged as you can see. The ... read more
price:  Please ask
French tapestry fragment with silk highlights,good age and condition.E.mail for more info and pics.
price:  US$ 449.
Coptic textile roundel fragment cod. 0843. Slit tapestry and plain weave. Linen, wool, traditional dyes. Circa 4th./5th. century a.d. Dimension cm. ... read more
price:  P.O.R.
Antique Middle Amu Darya torba fragment, mounted on linen, 38 x 16 inches. Very rare design. Great colors, very poor photo. usd ... read more
price:  USD 1250. includes shipping in the U.S.
Antique East Anatolian Yörük Rug Frag. Size.164x132 cm
price:  por
French tapestry antique, collectors item, 142 x 83 cm, id: a-959 a fragment, hand woven with hand spun wool,in good shape. a prince ... read more
price:  CHF 2'200.-
Antique Anatolian Konya Bozkır Yörük Rug Fragment. Size.120x85 cm
price:  por
Salor main carpet fragment early 19th century Sewn in a frame. Size: 50x14cm
price:  420€
Antique West Anatolian Kula Rug Fragment .. Size.93x71cm
price:  por
An Unique And Rare Kani Jamawar Fragment From Kashmir, India. C.1810-1825. Its Size is 58cmx68cm. Butas is 12cX30cm (20230422_132700).
price:  On Request
From Sonny Berntssons collection: No 970 antique Anatolian Kilim fragment, Mut area? 127 x 250 cm. Mounted on fabric. See detail photos of repair and ... read more
price:  Please ask
Flanders Tapestry, antique, 261 x 223 cm, id: A-800 Woven with hand spun wool, a fragment, in good condition.
price:  On request
Flanders tapestry, old, 220 x 280 cm, id: a-967 a fragment of hand woven Flanders tapestry.
price:  On request
Antique Shahsavan Mogan Rug Fragment Size.260x100cm
price:  por
Antique East Anatolian Yörük Rug Fragment Size.195x95cm ..E-mail.
price:  por
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