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59841 items

antique little turkish melas rug. Older example of the type. "as found", very dirty with areas of wear and edge loss as ... read more
price:  Sold
Large Tibetan seating square. Excellent natural colors including a fantastic abrashed green and a pink/purple that may be lac or madder. wangden-esque ... read more
price:  SOLD
a nice Morocco Berber Woman Handira ! with Coton and Wool highlights ( knoted ) Early 20th , Size : 192x96cm
price:  500 euro+ shipping
Antique Chinese civil rank badge, 19thC, Qing Dynasty, Ching Dynasty, fine couching of gold metal threads on black silk, the bird is ... read more
price:  $250.00 USD
Turkmen torba Natural colors Good Condition 19th Century size 1.20cm x 0.40cm
price:  ask
Very Fine Qashqai Bagface with condition issues,all great natural colors,original kilim backing.without any repair or work done.Size 2'2"*1'11".E.mail for more info and
price:  US$ 150.
Beautiful Baluch Rug with condition issues,as found without any repair or work done.Size 4'3"*2'9".E.mail for more info and pics.
price:  Sold Thanks.
South Caucasian long Rug, 111x264 cm (44x104 inches, no 607), late 19th Century.' > link
Mudjur Frag: 44" x 19.5" x 21" Holes, mothing, stains Great colors Clean
price:  $250 SOLD
Antique Caucasian Gendje long Rug, 107x235 cm (42x93 inches), late 19th Century. Please ask for a catalogue.
Excellent 19th century Uzbek Bucharan region Suzani Fragment. Beautiful natural colours and chain stitches. The size is 30cm by 155cm. Reasonable price.
Late 19th century Anatolian (kayseri) complete natured dyed primitive kilim
price:  325 €
Pillow-Cover,Swat Valley(Pakistan).Cotton embroidered with floss silk.with woollen Braiding and Tassels.Its size is 36cm x 88cm(DSC02770 New).
price:  Sold Thank You
Textile india size:145x100-cm pleaes ask
price:  Ask
After 38 years restoring Navajo rugs and Oriental rugs, we are retiring and are selling the largest selection of wool yarn used ... read more
price:  7500.00
authentic signed persian heriz rug measures 5' 7" x 8' 9" great rare size beautiful colors great condition minor surface wear in ... read more
price:  ask
Central Anatolian Kilim Fragment. Size is 228x66cm
price:  Price on request
Chinese Ivory Ground Rug with good colors,condition and age,Size 4'8"*2'2".E.mail for more info and pics.
price:  US$ 250.
Horse Bag khadi cotton with leather work used by Rajput Marwari Family From Rajasthan India.Very rare bag.Its size is 60cmX110cm.(DSC001030).
price:  On request
Phulkari From West(Pakistan)Punjab.India.known As Vari-Da-Bagh,Very Rare influence of Multi-colour Side Ghunghat with Multi colour squares in the Middle(DSC00825 New).
price:  Sold Thank You
very old Beluch long bag £90.
super little kelim fragment.£180
pre 1900 full pile antique Ersari trapping 139 x 42 cm (4ft 8" x 1ft 5") last quarter 19th century. All dyes ... read more
price:  SOLD
natural colour 19th century Qashqai rug Clean hand wash size 1.07cm x 1.07cm
price:  ask
Ceremonial Festive Belt Fragment Morocco c. 1800
price:  $2,850.00
early small west anatolian rug. Old enough to have presence. All good colors. Damaged but complete. Waiting to be mounted or restored ... read more
price:  Sold
Mooie Kurdishe (Jaff) bagface met een ongewoon motief, uitstekende zachte wol en prachtige heldere kleuren. size;82x80 cm
price:  Sold Thank you
Jain temple hanging,Patan Gujarat,India,19th Century.Gajji-Silk,Silver And gold gilt embroidery.Its size is 82cmX197cm.This an holi temple piece,showing the Jain illustration of Moksha with ... read more
price:  Sold Out Thank You
Kurdish rug. 8'7" x 4'7"
price:  por
Saruk Antique - 1910 - soft kork wool - very clean - size: approx. 100 x 150 cm - shippment worldwide possible
price:  NO longer available
Natural colors Clean hand wash 19th Century Good Condition Persian rug size 1.52cm x 1.06cm
price:  ask
Pretty Qashqai saddle-bagface, one of a pair, 74x68cms, mixed techniques on balanced plain-weave ground, good condition, from about 1950.
price:  Sold, thanks
Serab-- 3 ft 2 in x 9 ft. This is a real old one with very open, archaic design. Soft floppy texture. ... read more
price:  SOLD
Karaja-- 3 ft 2 x 4 ft 4 inches. Above average krispiness. Even pile with no foundation showing. Ends stable. $20 ups ... read more
price:  sold
West Persian Village-- 3 ft 5 in x 5 ft 2 inches. Wool weft. Most likely Kurdish, possibly Kolyai. Weave is thick, ... read more
price:  SOLD
Phulkari From West(Pakistan)Punjab.India.known As Shisha(Mirror)Design Bagh ,very Rare influence of Different Design Shisha. wedding shawls from punjab. work similiar to swat wedding
price:  on request