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59850 items

Jaff Kurd - large size - 32" x 40". good pile, shiny wool, nice weave and color. $235 or best
price:  $235/best offer
1880 Shasafan Soumakh Fragment Size: 40x45cm (1.3x1.5ft) Natural colors
price:  SOLD
Collection of 5 Old Needlepoint Pincushions. Probably American. 7.5"x6"; 4.5"x4.5"; 3.75"x3.75"; 2.5"x2.5"; 1.75"x1.75". Some moth damage on the largest and the smallest ... read more
price:  $60 for all
3' 3" x 9' 2" Northwest Persian with ends secured; selvage wrapping replaced. Free Ship/U.S. 3 day returns
price:  Sold . . . Thanks
Rare 19th century Antique Ushak Prayer. 100% natural colors size 145 x 109 centimeters
price:  Sold
Beautiful small and Rare Tribal Gabbeh prayer ,100% Camel wool incredible soft handling and some fuchisine color Circa 1920's size approx 76 ... read more
price:  SOLD! Thank you.
early 20th c tibetan saddle top with abrashed checker border on the horizontal middle axis. in good condition.
a fine 19th cent. shield Afshar rug with an interesting border. Very oxydized brown. Never restored. Cm 107 x138. Great colours.
price:  On request
a 1930s Uzbek embroidery (mirror bag?).Cm 48 x36. Fucsine red. Good condition.
price:  SOLD
a Manastir / Helvaci kilim with very saturated colours. Good condition. Cm 48x105
price:  On Request
Shahsavan Saddle-bag (Khordjin), Circa 1900, Excellent condition, Not restored, Size: 112 x 47 cm. ( 44.1 x 18.5 inch )
price:  On request,
An interesting square shaped kantha quilt from Bengal, Asia, can be identified as baytan kantha derived from sanskrit vitan which means 'the ... read more
price:  On request.
a multicolor Sujni kantha quilt from the Bengal,Asia. This beautiful piece is an embroidered ceremonial wrap done with cotton thread in red, ... read more
price:  price on request
Beluch Rug. Size: 0,75 cm x 0,56 cm
price:  Please Ask
Nicely coloured Afshar rug with camel colour background wool (in real life is less white and more camel colour) and lovely blue ... read more
price:  Sold, thanks
Antique Turkish ottoman embroidery very fine work of embroidery with silver. 250x200cm cm P.O.R
Central Asian Uzbekistan Lakai Kungrat wool tent trapping /band with silk tassels. All natural dyes, good condition. Late 19th cent. size : ... read more
price:  O.R.
Turkmen Tekke Aktorba ( Smoked) 62 x 30 cm / 24.4 '' x 11.8 ''
price:  On Request
Turkmen Yomud Kap 47 x 28 cm /18.5'' x 11.0''
price:  On Request
Baluch Balisth 85 x 50 cm / 33.4'' x 19'6''
price:  On Request
Northwest Anatolian Bergama rug - circa 1800 - 5'10 x 7'1 ft. - 178 x 215 cm. - one of about 9 ... read more
price:  Sold, Thanks
Pair of small chanteh or miniature Khorjinfaces, South West Persian. Size: 32 x 24cm each.
price:  Please contact for further details.
Qashqai bag face. Size: 56 x 64cm.
price:  Please contact for further details.
Beautiful Lakai embroidery,silk on cotton,cm.57x82,good condition,a small restauration on the left corner- lower end.
price:  200 euro+shipping
a beautiful silk, mirror and metal work embroidery from Afghanistan dating to early 1900s. Unlike the textiles of other groups of Central ... read more
price:  SOLD
'Unicorn' Lilihan...wonderful condition...full pile...43"x78". More photos upon request. Circa 1930.
price:  Please enquire
2' 4" x 3' 5" Manastir Kilim . . . fragmentary, but stabilized. Free ship/U.S. 3 day returns policy.
price:  Sold . . . Thank You!
Qashqai Bagface with original beautiful Kilim backing.All natural colors.E.mail for more info and pics.
price:  US$ 100.
Shahsavan 3 panels made coushions,great natural colors and very fine weave.E.mail for more info and pics.
price:  US$ 200.
Anatolian Yastik with nice natural colors and deisgn,good age.Size 2'9"*1'9"*.E.mail for more info and pics.
price:  Sold Thanks.
Qashqai Saddle-bag (Khorjin), Circa 1900, Warp-faced techniue, Great condition and colors, Not resored, Size: 100 x 58 cm. (39.5 x 23 inch).
price:  On request,
Panchranga Lahariya Design Bagh From West (Pakistan) Punjab India.Perfect Condition.(DSC00850).
price:  Sold Thank you
1850 Very Fine Tekke Dowry Size: 86x76cm (2.9x2.5ft)
price:  SOLD
Phulkari From West(Pakistan)Punjab.India.known As Vari-Da-Bagh,Very Rare influence of Panch Rangi Lahariya Design Side Border(DSC00258 New).
price:  Sold Thank You
Luri/Bakhtiari Kilim Bag(opened), ca.1900, 50x80cm, all good and clear colors, happy tribal item...
price:  sold
Veramin Kurd Bagface,ca 1880,50x75cm,beautiful clear all natural colors,velvety soft and glossy wool,strong graphics in large scale,good condition.
price:  sold