
Yomud Torba
price:  SOLD
Bashir beŞİr 320x160
price:  SOLD
Ok Bash circa 1800 / weave
price:  Sold...! ;-))
Tekke Turkmen 113x107
price:  650
Unusual Chodor Small Rug
price:  SOLD
Turkman tent band fragment size:2,94x0,43cm
price:  SOLD
Karadashli chuval
price:  SOLD
small torkman rug 131 x 84 cm
price:  sold
antique yomud with ANiMALS
price:  1300 Dollar
Igdir Yomut Chuval, 1st half 19th c. Missing outer guards, exceptional elem, great drawing and deep saturated dyes, (including a real green). ... read more
price:  SOLD
Yomut "Star" Torba, circa 1890. size: 10" x 23" The piece has good dyes and high pile, though there are small areas ... read more
price:  SOLD
Yamout Chuval
price:  $950.00
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